engineering digital agents

Attune Intelligence offers the tools to build artificially intelligent agents aligned for your research.

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We're building for researchers, developers, and students.

Illuminating the patterns of nature with AI.

We design computational architectures which mimic biological intelligence ⎯ hierarchically embedded agents working together to solve complex problems ⎯ to unveil the hidden patterns of nature.

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Why are we building?

Attune Intelligence is created, owned and operated by Reed Bender, a full-stack engineer with more than seven years of experience leveraging neural networks as a means for mapping the emergent patterns of living systems.

We are a Texas based limited liability company with a passion for creating intuitive software architectures which integrate the complexity of your data into coherent and actionable insights.

About Us

Attuning Mind

Dive into a world where the notion of intelligence is expanded far beyond our human nervous systems, observed to be a force permeating through every scale of physics ⎯ one which we are learning to channel through the water of cells and the silicon of GPUs alike.

Attuning Mind is the broader, more personal compliment to the services offered by Attune Intelligence, relating our work in software engineering with our broader field of interests in information theory, biomedical engineering, and natural philosophy.

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