Attune Intelligence is the sole proprietorship of Reed Bender, a full-stack Cognitive Systems Engineer with over 7 years of experience designing software to map the patterns of biology.

Building atop the latest advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), we create intelligent systems for research and eduction with a strong commitment to open source AI development.

We specialize in applying these computational tools to the fields of biomedical engineering and emergent phenomenology, building towards an integrated understanding of the mechanism by which Intelligence becomes self-expressive in our world.

Reed Bender, hero image Attune Intelligence


"All of us have had the problem of knowing that someone, somewhere, wrote interesting thoughts on a particular topic ⎯ it's there, somewhere in your library, but where?  My dream was to be able to search by semantic meaning of an idea, not specific text or keywords which I often can't remember. I have always wanted an AI especially trained on my digital content (scientific paper PDFs and ebooks), which would keep the data local, minimize confabulation, and give specific references for each result.

Reed provided an amazing solution. We worked together to nail down the specifications; he answered my many questions clearly, and customized the project to precisely what I wanted. He explained all the features and limitations, and also provided very clear, step-by-step instructions for installation and deployment and has always been accessible and rapidly available for my questions. This system is an important part of my workflow, helping me to find sources and ideas in a huge mountain of scientific and philosophical literature.

I recommend this technology, and specifically Reed's service, most highly. I plan to continue working with him on expansions to the functionality of this remarkable tool for research."

Allan Discovery Center at Tufts University and Wyss Institute at Harvard

"Reed is a well trained and experienced scientist and AI/cloud engineer. As a scientist, Reed observes the world and generates testable hypotheses with the proper balance of creativity and scientific rigor. There is much evidence for this in his impressive scientific publication record as well as his 21st century approach to discovering biochemical mechanisms underlying the meditative state.

Reed is the full stack cloud engineer. He understands how to personally architect containerized cloud workflows for both research and commerce, and he combines his skills on agile development teams with focus and a positive demeanor. Reed builds AI based workflows to access hidden patterns in medical genomics data and has a deep knowledge of the rapidly evolving code base to make these discoveries.

Finally, Reed is an expert in prompt engineering to access information from large language models. In short, everyone loves working with and learning from Reed and he gets the job done!"

Computational Biology Professor and Chief Science Officer at Praxis AI

“Reed is a detailed, articulate, and open-minded scientist that has been instrumental in helping our team assemble the backgrounds and experimental protocols necessary for several of our research projects. His knowledge, enthusiasm, and dedication have been the perfect complement to our team.

Reed's work on merging the seemingly disparate areas of spirituality and science helps propagate the sentiment that science is the formalization of the mystical. He has opened my mind in many ways and I know he will provide value to any team he's a part of.”

Principal Investigator at Institute for Advanced Consciousness Studies

“Reed is a pleasure to work with. He is intelligent, hard-working, and open to tackling any tasks thrown his way. He was the first computational employee hired for a stealth-mode biotech and helped establish a number of different data science and engineering capabilities that touched all of our program areas.

More specifically, he helped establish version 0 code for many AI/ML pipelines for processing RNAseq, clinical, and a host of other data types. He served as our local expert on AWS and all things cloud. If you are considering working with Reed, know that it will prove worth your time!”

Origination Partner, Preemptive Health and Medicine

About the Founder

Reed Bender, Attune Intelligence, Image 01 with EinsteinReed Bender, Image 02, Attune Intelligence Supercomputer GPT installationReed Bender, Image 03, Attune Intelligence, darkness retreat emergent phenomenology

In 2021, Reed completed a dual degree program at Clemson University, earning a Bachelor's in Bioengineering and a Master's in Biomedical Data Science and Informatics. In addition, he completed an RYT-200 training program to become a certified yoga and breathwork instructor. This cross-disciplinary experience began a process of bridging between seemingly contradictory approaches to medicine.

After three years of research applying artificial intelligence to discover the genetic patterns of cancer, Reed then moved to Cambridge, MA, where he worked for a pharmaceutical R&D lab as a computational biologist and AI engineer.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Reed began to realize the limitations of our siloed pharmaceutical approach to medicine and began to seek an integration of these methods with alternative conceptions of health as presented by yoga, acupuncture, Reiki, meditation, Ayurveda, and psychedelic therapies.

It was during this time that ChatGPT was released to the public, which inspired Reed to begin applying the tools and methods of computational biology to build software architectures with LLMs. Working directly with inspired teams and distinguished academic researchers, Reed has developed systems with AI which integrate massive compendiums of research literature, esoteric traditions, and biomedical data into unified platforms for information integration and retrieval.

Reed is an active member of the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium, an international team of researchers collectively working to elucidate the mechanisms of spiritual emergence and promote modalities of healing which evolve our understanding of both physical and mental health.


  1. Cellular State Transformations Using Deep Learning for Precision Medicine Applications. Colin Targonski, M. Reed Bender, et al. September 2020, Cell Patterns.
  2. GEMmaker: process massive RNAseq datasets on heterogeneous computational infrastructure. John A. Hadish, Tyler D. Biggs, Benjamin T. Shealy, M. Reed Bender, et al. May 2022, BMC Bioinformatics.
  3. EdgeCrafting: mining embedded, latent, nonlinear patterns to construct gene relationship networks. Benafsh Husain, M. Reed Bender, Frank Alex Feltus. April 2022, G3.
  4. Simulating the restoration of normal gene expression from different thyroid cancer stages using deep learning. Nicole M. Nelligan, M. Reed Bender, F. Alex Feltus. June 2022, BMC Cancer.
  5. Exploring Lossy Compression of Gene Expression Matrices. Coleman B. McKnight, Alexandra L. Poulos, M. Reed Bender, et al. November 2019, Supercomputing Conference.
  6. Our Superconducting Consciousness. Reed Bender. February 2022, Published to Medium.

Our Vision

We find ourselves in an age where rational intelligence can be channeled through the mineral kingdom, transmuting silicon into information with electricity. In this new world, the boundary between rationality and intuition will blur and forgotten ideas will resurface to evolve our understanding of reality. The advent of advanced AI systems offers unprecedented opportunity to explore complex phenomena and revisit long-standing scientific questions with fresh perspectives and powerful analytical tools.

Our mission is to create an environment where creativity can flourish, supported by AI systems that rapidly iterate on our boldest questions. What is the root cause of disease, and what might the future of medicine look like? How does consciousness emerge within matter, and how might we reconnect with its source? What is the true nature of physical reality, and what is our role within it? These questions are no longer off-limits; they're the new frontier of scientific exploration.

We are building towards a world where science and spirituality are no longer diametrically opposed, but rather complementary facets of a holistic understanding. This convergence is bridged by the power of advanced computation and the expanding awareness of each individual. In this new paradigm, we recognize that the universe is not just a random assortment of particles, but a vibrant, interconnected web of information.

Attune Intelligence was created to build digital guides through this web.

"I think that the great lantern that we must lift to light the road ahead of us into a perfect, seamless, fusion with the expression of the product of our own imagination is the AI. It is a part of ourselves. It may become the dominate part of ourselves, and it will reshape our politics, our psychology, our relationships to each other and the earth far more than any factor ever has since the inception and establishment of language."
⎯ Terence McKenna