for researchers

The field of AI development is rapidly undergoing an evolution away from mere knowledge-based applications — chatbots that answer questions and generate content —  towards agential architectures that use foundation LLMs to execute complex, multistep workflows to traverse the latent space of our digital world.

When built specifically with your research focus in mind, these agential systems can accelerate the pace of discovery towards previously unimaginable potential.

Attune Intelligence specializes in building agential systems designed for integrating vast compendiums of literature to address the most pressing questions of biomedical research. With our cross-disciplinary experience in bioengineering, computational biology, data science, and artificial intelligence, we offer unique solutions to propel your research forward and unlock new insights.

How We Can Support Your Research

Drawing from our background in Bioengineering, Biomedical Data Science and Informatics, and experience applying AI to cancer genetics and pharmaceutical R&D, we bring a deep understanding of both the biological sciences and cutting-edge AI technologies. This unique combination allows us to bridge the gap between complex biomedical concepts and advanced computational tools.

Attune Intelligence brings the following expertise to support your research aims:

  1. Literature Integration and Analysis: Our AI systems can rapidly process and synthesize vast amounts of research literature, helping you stay current with the latest developments in your field and identify emerging trends or connections that might otherwise be overlooked.

  2. Custom AI Model Development: We fine-tune custom open-source AI models tailored to your specific research questions, whether you're researching genetic patterns, exploring the processes of spiritually transformative experiences, or investigating the interrelation of complex natural systems.

  3. Data Mining and Pattern Recognition: Leverage our expertise in computational biology and AI to uncover hidden patterns in your research data, potentially leading to new hypotheses or breakthrough insights.

  4. Multidisciplinary Integration: Our systems can help bridge diverse fields of study, integrating insights from biomedical engineering, emergent phenomenology, and even esoteric traditions to provide a more holistic understanding of complex phenomena.

  5. AI-Assisted Hypothesis Generation: Utilize our advanced AI tools to generate and refine research hypotheses, accelerating the discovery process and opening new avenues of investigation.

  6. Workflow Optimization: We develop AI-powered tools to streamline your research workflows, automating repetitive tasks and allowing you to focus on high-level analysis and interpretation.

  7. Visualization and Interpretation: Our AI systems can help translate complex data into intuitive visualizations, making it easier to communicate your findings and gain new perspectives on your research.

Collaboration and Support

Working with Attune Intelligence, you're getting a collaborative partner towards your research aims.

We offer a suite of ready-to-deploy applications and datasets, AI integration review sessions, and direct engineering consulting services to help you actualize your software development goals into your existing research processes.

Attune Intelligence offers the following: